Friday, March 7, 2008

Another Week Gone By...

I can't believe I'll be flying off on my broomstick next Wednesday to Italy where I'll be completing my first muggle marathon. I've come a long way since last November when I started off training at 2 miles. I made my way up to 22 miles and on race day it'll be 26.2! And no, I won't be using any magic to help me in the race. I will compete just as all the muggles do, by using my good ol' legs. Wish me luck!


Jade Bladvak said...

Good luck! Your first marathon will probably always be your favorite, so make sure you just enjoy the experience!

Ferula's Fen said...

Go Lily!! I'll be rooting for you - I know you'll do great!

PS: Sorry I've been MIA - I was just out in your neck of the woods for a few days, back on a red-eye last night! Whew!